Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Of Angels And Demons

Once upon those early days when Lisa was still my flat mate on the beachfront in PE, Lisa invited some young chaps who were visiting friends to come to the youth group we were about to attend. One of them accepted. Whoopee, I think.

I had the job of doing the overhead projector during worship, and for some reason, I was having quite a job keeping the slides still. Then towards the end of the worship, a commotion broke out in the back ranks, as Jeremy, our invited guest started to manifest, writhing, and frothing, and shouting – the bible is quite a good text book for the whole affair. It happened just like it says.

Luckily, our youth pastor, George Georgio was a reformed ex-Satanist, and he jumped right in and got him out the back where he ministered the Power of the Holy Ghost and the blood of Jesus and straightened our Jeremy out.

Turns out, Jeremy was a Satanist High Priest, and thought it would be a good joke to join us and create a bit of havoc. He later asked me how I was finding the overhead projector task, and told me that he was trying to get the slides to flip over to read backwards.

Well as things turned out, Jeremy got saved instead.

A few months later, I got a call from Jeremy (who lived in Queenstown). He told me he was having all sorts of problems, and asked if he could come and spend his school holiday with us. After speaking to his mom, I agreed, but little did I know what I was in for – crash course 101 in demonology.

Having Jeremy to stay was let me tell you, a steep learning curve. Every morning when I would leave for work, Jeremy would be fine. Every evening upon returning – Jeremy was a mess. As soon as it became dark, the manifestations would begin – altered voices saying “he is mine”, all that kind of stuff. Each time, I would have to enter into intense warfare, and each time God would win, and Jeremy would be again restored to sanity.

One night however, I just couldn’t seem to get a break through. I did everything I knew how, but the onslaught was relentless. He was too demonically inspired to turn my back on and leave him unattended, but I could not go on any longer, and I knew that I needed reinforcements.

It was around this time that God reminded me that there are things like angels.

I lifted up my voice and said: “right, I need one angel on this foot, one on the other one over there, one on that hand, and one last one on that arm over there”. Immediately Jeremy became pinned down on the floor by a strong force pinning him down on each limb. Wow, okay.

Now I was finally able to get to the phone to call up the troops. Seemingly within minutes half the youth group arrived, those suckers got cast out, and we had our Jeremy back again.

PS – if you ever have to take a newly converted ex Satanist shopping – avoid the meat section. You could save yourself a whole heap of troubles.

PPS – Jeremy – if you are out there – don’t forget what I told you. Every time you see a grater remember – “Greater is He who is in me than he that is in the world”.

My First Brand Spanking New Car

When I first moved up to Johannesburg after completing my studies, well actually lets start a bit before that. My little Mazda 232 was getting quite tired and was giving quite a few problems after all the long PE to Tsumeb trips I had done with Ryk, and one day God put it in my heart to believe Him for a new car.

It was quite an ambitious ask – but I wanted a brand new car – I was tired of struggling.

I remember telling God that I wanted a new car, and that I did not want to have any debt. The amount of money I was able to put aside each month was actually a total joke when considering what it would have to grow into (refer to the Petrol from heaven story to get an idea of where I was at financially). I told God that if I was faithful to save the pennies (that which was in my power to save), would He please add to it what was in His power to add?

On moving up to Joburg, the Lord urged me to insure my car. I put the matter off, and again He urged me to insure my car. Three times He warned me, but somehow I never got around to doing it. One fateful day I went to get my car, and found it was gone! Now I really needed to get a new car.

My dad found out that one of the perks of his job was to buy a new car from the company for a massive discount off the dealer’s prices. He managed to get me a little white Corsa – about 1000 km on the clock. The amount I had saved – not very much, but God (oh lets savour those words – they are my favourite words) … but God… had added His portion through various unexpected events. Faithful as always…

Did I manage to get my new car debt free?

Not exactly. I had exactly the right amount I needed except for what insurance would have paid out had I been obedient to Him. Truly, - it is better to obey than sacrifice.

The Cutest Little Pink Car That Squashed An Angel

One evening, Ulie (Ursula) was driving me in her little pink car (that later became my sister Hayley’s little pink car). It was a pink mini convertable – very cute, but of questionable road worthiness at that stage. As we were going down a steep hill (at the start of the freeway in Humewood PE, traveling down into town), the rain was pelting down. All of a sudden we saw the break lights going on for the car in front of us. Ursula slammed on the brakes as the slow motion camera began to roll. We skidded for an interminable length of time with no discernable loss of speed. As we approached the car infront of us, the car seemed to bump into a big cushion and almost seemed to bounce back on itself before coming to a complete stop, at which point Ursula blurted out: “Oops Lord! Sorry about the angel!”
Amidst many giggles, we blessed and praised the Lord for His deliverance.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Wipers For The Wiped Out

During my second last year at university, I was still living in a flat in Central, Port Elizabeth. Ursula had moved in with me after my first husband had wimped out of the relationship. Money was non-existent. One night while driving my yellow mazda in the rain, my windscreen wipers stopped working. I said: “Oh Lord, You know how I don’t have money to fix that. Please will You fix them for me."

I had stopped at a red traffic light near the Herald offices waiting to turn towards Humewood under the freeway. I noticed a gentleman stuck in the rain and felt the Lord say that I needed to offer him a lift.

Although a bit of a dodgy thing to do in that area, trusting God is always the safer bet. Well would you believe it. The man turned out to be the owner of a garage in Main Street. As soon as he noticed the plight of my windscreen wipers he told me to pop in and see him, offering to repair them free of charge as a thank you gesture.

“Bless you sir, wherever you are today - and thank you once again my Lord and friend, Jesus Christ.”

Arms For The Poor

While staying in a commune with my brother Rick in Albert Road Port Elizabeth, a man came begging at the door. I had just been reading something that filled me with zeal. As I answered the door, I noticed that the man had a stump of an arm. Full of zeal in the spirit, I contemplated that what he really needed instead of alms, was an arm. I grabbed his stump and started to pray.

I felt a very peculiar feeling or sensation under my hands as the man’s arm started to grow. At that moment, unbeknown to me, my nephew Jo had been watching. All of a sudden from behind me I heard my nephew start yelling as he ran for his mom: “Ma-a-a – the guy’s arm grew!”

Well – I took such fright at that moment that I wished the guy well and told him not to worry, the arm would continue to grow. The guy himself I think was so drunk he did not know what was happening to him. In all, the stump probably grew around 5 inches.

I know God is faithful to watch over his work to complete it. One day we will know how it all turned out in the end. I pray that next time God leads me to pray for something like that, he increases my courage to see it through to completion. It would have been so cool to see a new hand appearing don't you think?!

Mission School Momento's

Egg Surprise For Breakfast:

I attended mission school for a while, not as a student, but as the kitchen help. One day we had about a hundred people to feed for breakfast, and only 50 eggs. We weren’t sure what to do, so we prayed over the eggs and started to break them into the frying pan.

As we broke the first, we were thrilled to see it had a double yolk. We were quite surprised to find that the second one also had a double yolk – what are the odds of that happening? By the end, we were in raptureous laughter – all fifty eggs HAD DOUBLE YOLKS!


Well, obviously “yes way God!”

The Desires Of My Heart From A Stranger:

All the washing of dishes at mission school was taking its toll on my hands, which were beginning to dry and crisp up. In my quiet time with the Lord one morning, I expressed a desire for hand cream. Within a day, a missionary I did not know, returned from the field and brought me a gift of hand cream.

Thank you so much Dad for paying so much attention to me.
I love you so.

Pantry Pleasures:

Strange as this may seem, keeping the pantry stocked became the kitchen staffs responsibility, and time after time God answered our prayers specifically.

One incident that stands out in my mind was the day we went to the freezer and found the freezer was empty.

We prayed earnestly for meat, and later that day – somebody arrived in a bakkie loaded with meat. We did not know the gentleman from a bar of soap, but behold, the freezer was full.

Who drives around in a truck loaded with meat waiting for God to tell them where to take it anyway?? –

… an angel perhaps?

A wedding dress from my Father's heart

Of all the weddings I have ever attended, I never admired a bridal gown as much as I did Alison’s. The shape, the train – everything was just perfect.

A few years later, I met Pierre and as you will read later, God purposed in His heart for us to be wed. With finance being a bit tight, the cost of a dress was a bit of a hurdle.

Shortly after we had decided to tie the knot, I got a phone call out of the blue from my friend Alison. The word was not yet out about our decision, in fact I had even lost touch with Alison – she being in the Eastern Cape somewhere at that time and myself in Johannesburg (Remember, this was long before the invention of cell phones). She had no clue I was planning a wedding or even liked her dress so much, but she felt in her heart that the Lord wanted her to give her dress to me.

Talk about a loving and involved Father – knowing intimately what His little girl likes and desiring to be her benefactor! Oh my heart sings when I consider His purposeful love and affection set on me.

Pierre reminded me the other day how at that time we were debating whether or not I should wear a white dress as this was my second marriage. God’s provision of the dress ended the debate and affirmed me in His eyes. Again, how precious are His thoughts towards me – what am I that the Creator of the universe is mindful of me.

PS: Thanks Dad, I truly love you

How to heal a fridge

Around about the same time, our fridge stopped working and we definitely had not the means to have it fixed. A friend of mine (Lisa) and myself laid hands on the fridge and prayed for it in desperation. A day later, we happened to notice that the fridge had begun to work again, and never gave us any further problems.

Petrol from heaven

A long time ago, during my final student years (1990'ish), I experienced a particularly lean month financially speaking. At the start of the month, I had no money for petrol and the needle was on empty. The month previous to that there had been an enormous petrol price hike. I just decided that that month that I would need to trust God completely. Each time I needed to drive anywhere, I would get in and pray that I would reach my destination. Just for good measure, I would remind God exactly why I needed to get where I was headed. Well, throughout the month, I kept on driving. At the end of the month, my flat mate gave me ten rand for petrol as I think she was getting nervous to drive with me, and the "hard to believe" factor was starting to take its toll on her sanity, and mine I must confess. What a faithful God! He kept me driving that whole month on an empty tank. That was the cheapest most expensive petrol I had ever bought.

I think it is significant to note the ten rand provided at the end of the month: Not only is God faithful, but He also is tender, caring for us, carrying us in our weakness. He is not anxious to “catch us out”. When my faith grew thin, he gave me cash, something solid, just like offering Peter his hand as his faith to walk on water started to fail. What a loving God we serve.