Saturday, July 11, 2009

A wedding dress from my Father's heart

Of all the weddings I have ever attended, I never admired a bridal gown as much as I did Alison’s. The shape, the train – everything was just perfect.

A few years later, I met Pierre and as you will read later, God purposed in His heart for us to be wed. With finance being a bit tight, the cost of a dress was a bit of a hurdle.

Shortly after we had decided to tie the knot, I got a phone call out of the blue from my friend Alison. The word was not yet out about our decision, in fact I had even lost touch with Alison – she being in the Eastern Cape somewhere at that time and myself in Johannesburg (Remember, this was long before the invention of cell phones). She had no clue I was planning a wedding or even liked her dress so much, but she felt in her heart that the Lord wanted her to give her dress to me.

Talk about a loving and involved Father – knowing intimately what His little girl likes and desiring to be her benefactor! Oh my heart sings when I consider His purposeful love and affection set on me.

Pierre reminded me the other day how at that time we were debating whether or not I should wear a white dress as this was my second marriage. God’s provision of the dress ended the debate and affirmed me in His eyes. Again, how precious are His thoughts towards me – what am I that the Creator of the universe is mindful of me.

PS: Thanks Dad, I truly love you

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