Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Of Angels And Demons

Once upon those early days when Lisa was still my flat mate on the beachfront in PE, Lisa invited some young chaps who were visiting friends to come to the youth group we were about to attend. One of them accepted. Whoopee, I think.

I had the job of doing the overhead projector during worship, and for some reason, I was having quite a job keeping the slides still. Then towards the end of the worship, a commotion broke out in the back ranks, as Jeremy, our invited guest started to manifest, writhing, and frothing, and shouting – the bible is quite a good text book for the whole affair. It happened just like it says.

Luckily, our youth pastor, George Georgio was a reformed ex-Satanist, and he jumped right in and got him out the back where he ministered the Power of the Holy Ghost and the blood of Jesus and straightened our Jeremy out.

Turns out, Jeremy was a Satanist High Priest, and thought it would be a good joke to join us and create a bit of havoc. He later asked me how I was finding the overhead projector task, and told me that he was trying to get the slides to flip over to read backwards.

Well as things turned out, Jeremy got saved instead.

A few months later, I got a call from Jeremy (who lived in Queenstown). He told me he was having all sorts of problems, and asked if he could come and spend his school holiday with us. After speaking to his mom, I agreed, but little did I know what I was in for – crash course 101 in demonology.

Having Jeremy to stay was let me tell you, a steep learning curve. Every morning when I would leave for work, Jeremy would be fine. Every evening upon returning – Jeremy was a mess. As soon as it became dark, the manifestations would begin – altered voices saying “he is mine”, all that kind of stuff. Each time, I would have to enter into intense warfare, and each time God would win, and Jeremy would be again restored to sanity.

One night however, I just couldn’t seem to get a break through. I did everything I knew how, but the onslaught was relentless. He was too demonically inspired to turn my back on and leave him unattended, but I could not go on any longer, and I knew that I needed reinforcements.

It was around this time that God reminded me that there are things like angels.

I lifted up my voice and said: “right, I need one angel on this foot, one on the other one over there, one on that hand, and one last one on that arm over there”. Immediately Jeremy became pinned down on the floor by a strong force pinning him down on each limb. Wow, okay.

Now I was finally able to get to the phone to call up the troops. Seemingly within minutes half the youth group arrived, those suckers got cast out, and we had our Jeremy back again.

PS – if you ever have to take a newly converted ex Satanist shopping – avoid the meat section. You could save yourself a whole heap of troubles.

PPS – Jeremy – if you are out there – don’t forget what I told you. Every time you see a grater remember – “Greater is He who is in me than he that is in the world”.

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